
Since we're talking about street art, it is vital to mention Banksy. For a long time now, Mr. Banksy is the king of street art for me (now Vhils belongs to that category as well). I am going to go on a bit of a rant here, but to me the typical spray painted graffiti is not only tacky but disrespectful to the building it is vandalizing. The building was created by someone as well, it is someone's work of art just like the graffiti artist considers his "piece" to be a work of art. You wouldn't want someone to take a painting of let's say Picasso, and paint something over it, that's degrading to the work and effort the original artist spent creating his piece . To me that is what some graffiti artists do. They don't really show much respect for the building, hence the architect. Banksy on the other hand is a master of making a run-down building look amazing and interesting again. He not only makes it beautiful but at the same time puts  an important message across. I respect this sort of innovative creativity a lot. Here are some pieces from Banksy.

Aren't they great??? Some of them are really controversial. Especially the second one. 
Thanks for reading :) 
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