Lana Del Rey

It only took a second for me to get sucked in by the mesmerizing voice and the seductively gloomy Lana Del Rey. Where was I for all this time not knowing about this vocal genius. She is what I would call a round singer. On one hand she sings about trailer-trash and the theme of most of her songs are the struggles of what you would consider a "low class" problematic, at least that is the impression the songs give off, yet when you look at her life and her background, the connection is quite puzzling and surprising. How can a woman that grew up in a more than comfortable financial upbringing know about the struggles of "low-class" rebels? I love it though. She makes the gloomy and destructive life of drug addicts more than appealing and somewhat romantic.

Have a listen to her newest single. Both the music and the video are amazing. 

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