Party time!

Personally I LOVE parties!!!! Any kind (except those "compulsory" family get togethers where you're forced to endure a painstakingly long and jejune event that seems to have no end and smile your way through it with gritted teeth. We've all been to one of those awful birthday parties of someone that claims to be the uncle of someone relatively close to your immediate family, where you do not know anyone and feel more out of place than in an underwater cave {if they exist---which I'm sure they do}.) of get together that involves great clothes, amazing friends and family, nice food, beautifully colourful cocktails and of course DECORATIONS! Decorations, confetti and pinatas to be more precise, are the main point of this post. Recently I've been browsing through The Selby archives and came across a post about two wonderful artists and the owners of  Confetti System, Nicholas Anderson and Julie Ho. They have done projects for Beyonce, Lanvin, Harper's Bazaar, Mercedes Benz, and Martha Stewart Omnimedia to name a few. I was amazed by their wonderful studio. Just imagine being surrounded by sparkly fringes all day. That's paradise for me!!!

Both images by The Selby

I love the color combinations on both of these images. I love that their color choices are not the typical bright pink, yellow, green, blue combinations but are more subdued and sophisticated. And I LOVE the silver rope. How creative is that!

 I love how the fringed eye covers are so fashionable and glamorous. Personally I always feel self-conscious when I am blind folded. I always worry that I look weird, especially since I can't see anything!!! Yikes!  I would totally want to wear these though. 

I'm actually not sure what these are supposed to be, but I like them! I would wear them as belts, headband(possibly), and a necklace. They're very versatile. 

Possible party outfit idea? :)

All four images by confettisystem


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