Midieval Luxury

A couple of days ago, I finished writing my first Wikipedia entry for a class on Medieval art and architecture. My teacher is amazing, she makes the content so enjoyable! Basically, it describes and analyses the book of Hours of Queen Jeanne d'Evreux. Back in the fourteenth century, when this particular illuminated manuscript was produced, books were really expensive. Basically the price of an illuminated manuscript such as the one above, is an equivalent to the price of a Rolex watch today, if not five. Jeanne received it as a gift from her husband Charles IV, sadly, he died only three years after the book was produced. I love the fact that back then, luxury was very much connected to education and devotion to God, the size or karat value of a diamond did not matter as much as it does today. I am actually quite proud of myself, which is a pretty unexpected ramification of the process. I spent a long time researching and reading journal articles, books, and so on so that the content was actually backed up by research. I would love it if you would take a look, and take the time to read it. Here is the link to the article, and you can look at images of the book here.

Hope you enjoy! :)
Image via metmuseum

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